Tuesday, January 4, 2011


I haven't written in a while. Winter is not my favorite season. I find it terribly uneventful. For those that don't know, I just despise snow. Currently, after a warm end of last week, we have no snow cover at all. We have benefited greatly from this as a very cold air-mass has settled in place over most of the US. If we had snow pack, it would be BRUTAL. Instead, we got into the 20's. Nothing balmy, but tolerable. It doesn't appear we have much shot at anything big for quite some time and as days get longer and longer, we might just be able to get a few 40 degree days by mid month *if* we can avoid any snow. Simple sun and high pressure can give us fairly mild temps this time of the year if there is no snow pack. While our normal high will dip for 3 more weeks, to around 28F, any given day can warm up nicely with sun and no snow on the ground. Our latitude really allows us to stay fairly warm and the reason our normal temps (average temps) is far below 40 is b/c this time of the year, more often than not, we have snow pack.

Snow is evil!!! :)

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