Saturday, July 23, 2011

Been a hot one in Chicago..

What a week in Chicago with the heat! Today ended 7 straight days (at Midway Airport, on the south side) of 90+ with 2 days over 100, and heat indexes around 110. Some southern suburban locations got near 115 with the heat index and the streak of 90's continues. Today is the cool day of the bunch but heat indexes are still well into the mid 90's. The only reason today wasn't that bad is we had our largest calendar day precipitation event in recorded history...almost 7" of rain at O'hare airport. 7 days of heat followed with a day of flooding! Phew!

Working at Midway the day of the 101 F high, I took a picture of the ASOS's temperature sensor 1-minute update. This wasn't when the 101 was recorded, but I just loved all the 100's and 1 minute hits at 101 (you would need a 5 min avg of 101 for it to be official, which it was later on.)

This is nothing compared to the heat that has gone on in much of the country the past few weeks, and the east coast the last few days, but hot none-the-less.

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