Sunday, October 24, 2010

36 hours away, can the WRF and GFS agree? Hmmmmm

The GFS has continually had the surface low near ND/SK/MB while the WRF has had the sfc low near KS. Here we are 36 hours away and we finally see some agreement. They now show *both* areas of low pressure, to some degree. Be sure to check the previous 4 posts on this thread to see the progression of both models. It has been interesting to see how they have come together. But, one can see that there are still plenty of differences in the details. 

On thing for sure, which I haven't mentioned, is that there *is* a monster storm coming into the northern/middle part of this country and into the Great Lakes. "Edmund Fitzgerald" type storm is a comin'!  I've been showing the models valid 00Z Tuesday (7pm Monday night) but a look at what is coming in the Monday-Wednesday time frame is rather amazing.  

Once we get to Tuesday, I'll show an analysis to see how the models really did and which one was correct, but also to show this major storm.

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